Friday, July 24, 2009

Learn how Google Maps can help your protest!

There were protesters outside of the hubsters' office again this week. If you remember from the last time it happened, he works at a bank, but his entire building is just for the credit card portion of the company. They do not foreclose on houses, don't have anything to do with health care let alone it's reform and they don't club baby seals. This does not stop protesters from congregating outside, brandishing signs and chanting. Or from slinking away sheepishly when they are told what company they are protesting in front of. Don't they hand out maps with the picket signs? Does more thought go into catchy slogans than in the choice of target?

Yay for freedom of speech though. Where else can it be so easy to protest that the policemen will give you directions to the correct location?

There were protesters outside of the hubsters' office again this week. If you remember from the last time it happened, he works at a bank, but his entire building is just for the credit card portion of the company. They do not foreclose on houses, don't have anything to do with health care let alone it's reform and they don't club baby seals. This does not stop protesters from congregating outside, brandishing signs and chanting. Or from slinking away sheepishly when they are told what company they are protesting in front of. Don't they hand out maps with the picket signs? Does more thought go into catchy slogans than in the choice of target?

Yay for freedom of speech though. Where else can it be so easy to protest that the policemen will give you directions to the correct location?

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