Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shabbos toilet paper made easy

I don't know why it took me so many years to finally think of it. I either bought pre-torn paper or spent a good chunk of time tearing pieces one by one. But no more! Now I grab my big kitchen scissors and cut through the roll and VoilĂ ! Long strips in a fraction of the time. Generally works best when down the the last 1/3 of the roll. Now if I had gardening shears . . .

I don't know why it took me so many years to finally think of it. I either bought pre-torn paper or spent a good chunk of time tearing pieces one by one. But no more! Now I grab my big kitchen scissors and cut through the roll and VoilĂ ! Long strips in a fraction of the time. Generally works best when down the the last 1/3 of the roll. Now if I had gardening shears . . .

Toddler Bedelia

Conversations with toddlers often leave both sides rather confused. A confused look from a toddler however shouldn't be mistaken for a lack of understanding or slowness. I'm still boggled at the cleverness my two and a half year old showed this morning once I caught up with him.

I was helping him get dressed.

Me, holding socks: Do you want to wear socks today or have bare feet?
RE: Bare feet.
Me: Ok. (puts away socks)
RE, grabs favorite teddy, throws to the ground, stands upon its back & yells: Bear feet!
Me: wha?
RE, points to bear: Bear feet!
Me: oh, ok . . . wait . . . lol!

Apparently he inherited my side of the family's curly hair, olive skin, wide short nose, cleft chin, AND love of bad puns.

Of course that's assuming he meant to be funny and wasn't just pulling an Amelia Bedelia.

Conversations with toddlers often leave both sides rather confused. A confused look from a toddler however shouldn't be mistaken for a lack of understanding or slowness. I'm still boggled at the cleverness my two and a half year old showed this morning once I caught up with him.

I was helping him get dressed.

Me, holding socks: Do you want to wear socks today or have bare feet?
RE: Bare feet.
Me: Ok. (puts away socks)
RE, grabs favorite teddy, throws to the ground, stands upon its back & yells: Bear feet!
Me: wha?
RE, points to bear: Bear feet!
Me: oh, ok . . . wait . . . lol!

Apparently he inherited my side of the family's curly hair, olive skin, wide short nose, cleft chin, AND love of bad puns.

Of course that's assuming he meant to be funny and wasn't just pulling an Amelia Bedelia.