Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Visitors' Center

Thanks to Hannah's (of cookingmanager.com) post interviewing yours truly, there are probably more heads & hats checking out my little blog over here.

In the beginning I had planned on a modicum of anonymity, but frankly that takes more effort in planning and execution than I can drum up these days.

So welcome, enjoy the peeks into the boxes that clutter my attic. Don't look in that one over there, that's where I'm keeping my crazier ideas, like using sofrito in my shepherd's pie. My grandmother would be so proud and hubsters would be horrified!

Thanks to Hannah's (of cookingmanager.com) post interviewing yours truly, there are probably more heads & hats checking out my little blog over here.

In the beginning I had planned on a modicum of anonymity, but frankly that takes more effort in planning and execution than I can drum up these days.

So welcome, enjoy the peeks into the boxes that clutter my attic. Don't look in that one over there, that's where I'm keeping my crazier ideas, like using sofrito in my shepherd's pie. My grandmother would be so proud and hubsters would be horrified!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Shepherd's pie: a Non-recipe

I don't really follow recipes anymore. I either decide what I want to make and look around to see how I can approximate it with what I have, or I look at what I have and decide from there what to make. This recipe has so many variations, pretty much everything is optional (which may make it a misnomer since authentic Shepherd's pie is the standard chopped lamb & potato casserole).

This is a sneaky chef recipe as you can hide several kitchen sinks worth of vegetables without anyone being the wiser!

You can choose one or more from each category:

ground beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, cooked lentils
shredded carrot, onion, zucchinni
tomato sauce/paste/diced
1 egg for every pound of meat/ meat substitute

Mix until everything is well coated and press into the baking dish. I've used a pan, roaster, or crockpot with success. Just be aware that there will be a lot of grease in the crockpot unless you brown the meat first.

Top with mashed or shredded potatoes. Optional: drizzle with olive oil and more spices.

Bake uncovered at 350 for an hour or until bubbly. You can cover partway through if the potatoes get crispier than your liking.

If in the crockpot it'll need 6-10hrs on high or 3-5 hrs on low depending on whether you brown the meat first or not.

Freezes very well.

I don't really follow recipes anymore. I either decide what I want to make and look around to see how I can approximate it with what I have, or I look at what I have and decide from there what to make. This recipe has so many variations, pretty much everything is optional (which may make it a misnomer since authentic Shepherd's pie is the standard chopped lamb & potato casserole).

This is a sneaky chef recipe as you can hide several kitchen sinks worth of vegetables without anyone being the wiser!

You can choose one or more from each category:

ground beef, lamb, turkey, chicken, cooked lentils
shredded carrot, onion, zucchinni
tomato sauce/paste/diced
1 egg for every pound of meat/ meat substitute

Mix until everything is well coated and press into the baking dish. I've used a pan, roaster, or crockpot with success. Just be aware that there will be a lot of grease in the crockpot unless you brown the meat first.

Top with mashed or shredded potatoes. Optional: drizzle with olive oil and more spices.

Bake uncovered at 350 for an hour or until bubbly. You can cover partway through if the potatoes get crispier than your liking.

If in the crockpot it'll need 6-10hrs on high or 3-5 hrs on low depending on whether you brown the meat first or not.

Freezes very well.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mommy feats that will wow any Toddler

  1. Getting around to sharpening all the colored pencil stubs in the house
  2. serving lots of ketchup
  3. Flip them upside down & pretend not to notice
  4. Warm milk with a splash of chocolate
  5. this:

    (photo courtesy of thewind 's flickr stream)
  6. Knowing the noise any animal makes, even if you have to make up a few
  7. Teaching a new song or game (little bunny foo foo again??
  8. Piggy back rides
  9. Letting them (try to) spit into the sink while brushing their teeth
  10. Getting around without the help of the gee-pee-ess (Mommy turn left!)

  1. Getting around to sharpening all the colored pencil stubs in the house
  2. serving lots of ketchup
  3. Flip them upside down & pretend not to notice
  4. Warm milk with a splash of chocolate
  5. this:

    (photo courtesy of thewind 's flickr stream)
  6. Knowing the noise any animal makes, even if you have to make up a few
  7. Teaching a new song or game (little bunny foo foo again??
  8. Piggy back rides
  9. Letting them (try to) spit into the sink while brushing their teeth
  10. Getting around without the help of the gee-pee-ess (Mommy turn left!)