*FFB = frum from birth, ortho-lingo for raised religious.
I wasn't raised with religion. I know that sounds hard to believe, but since my parents wanted me to make my own decisions about religion we didn't discuss or participate in religion until I was in high school and my dad worried we'd fall prey to some cult if we didn't have some kind of background in something to pull from.
Well, today I had a conversation with my 3year-old that I couldn't have participated in until after I was 20 years old.
dd: How can Aba (daddy) be the king?
me: Because he's the Aba of the house, that makes him king.
dd: But how can there be two kings?
Already a deep concept.
me: There aren't two kings, Aba is the king and Ima (me, mommy) is the queen. That's it.
dd: But Hashem (G-d) is the King.
Stunned silence.
me: That's true, Hashem is the King of the whole world and Aba is king of this house.
Wow. So exciting and validating to know my children are getting a head start on all the questioning I navigated in college. Course I hope I always know the right thing to say even when I don't have the answers!
*FFB = frum from birth, ortho-lingo for raised religious.
I wasn't raised with religion. I know that sounds hard to believe, but since my parents wanted me to make my own decisions about religion we didn't discuss or participate in religion until I was in high school and my dad worried we'd fall prey to some cult if we didn't have some kind of background in something to pull from.
Well, today I had a conversation with my 3year-old that I couldn't have participated in until after I was 20 years old.
dd: How can Aba (daddy) be the king?
me: Because he's the Aba of the house, that makes him king.
dd: But how can there be two kings?
Already a deep concept.
me: There aren't two kings, Aba is the king and Ima (me, mommy) is the queen. That's it.
dd: But Hashem (G-d) is the King.
Stunned silence.
me: That's true, Hashem is the King of the whole world and Aba is king of this house.
Wow. So exciting and validating to know my children are getting a head start on all the questioning I navigated in college. Course I hope I always know the right thing to say even when I don't have the answers!