So the hubsters and I are excited to be more involved in our new community. One of the first things is that I am the new Tot Shabbat teacher. I have never led, nor attended a Tot Shabbat, but since I was willing & able that made me qualified enough I guess! Here's what I envision: a little davening by song, talk about the parsha, some games (maybe or maybe not shabbos/parsha related), then some more shabbos songs. I have no idea what ages will be there beyond my two toddlers and a few of the rabbi's kids. Anyone have any ideas? Anything I'm forgetting? Words of wisdom? They'd be much appreciated!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tot Shabbat ideas?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Droolworthy Doodads: The orange peeler

What's mine is mine & what's yours is mine: Struggling with toddler sharing

I keep telling myself that sharing will get easier and better once Awa and RE are older, but things have gotten only worse and more complicated lately. Awa is usually the culprit. If RE has something she wants it, no matter what it is.
I keep telling myself that sharing will get easier and better once Awa and RE are older, but things have gotten only worse and more complicated lately. Awa is usually the culprit. If RE has something she wants it, no matter what it is.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I love toddlers because:
- They will nod along while you are talking to them and when you ask they say they understood, but they really had no idea what you are talking about.
- You will talk while they look at you blankly or ignore you, but they heard every word and can repeat it back to you later!
- Full diapers make them walk like John Wayne.
- Getting the giggles is a common occurrence.
- You never know what the next thing to come out of their mouth will be. Belabela = peanut butter, asses = glasses, Blow bubbles = lovable, wheels on the bus go wound & wound
- They put so much energy into hugging and kissing they grunt with the effort.
- They never, ever get bored of pointing out airplanes, trucks, dogs, cars, leaves, anything they find interesting, even if it's the 100th one that day
- The same kid who is digging in the dirt will later come up to you, hands outstretched, horrified that they got dirty
- Wearing mommy's shoes & being able to walk around in them is a badge of pride
- "Wight, I'm a big giwl?" Wight!
- Choosing nursing over a cookie, or with a cookie, or in between bites of a cookie, or while covered in cookie crumbs.
- All it takes is a little song to get them in the mood to do something they didn't want to do a second ago.
- Mommy is still a superhero!
- They will nod along while you are talking to them and when you ask they say they understood, but they really had no idea what you are talking about.
- You will talk while they look at you blankly or ignore you, but they heard every word and can repeat it back to you later!
- Full diapers make them walk like John Wayne.
- Getting the giggles is a common occurrence.
- You never know what the next thing to come out of their mouth will be. Belabela = peanut butter, asses = glasses, Blow bubbles = lovable, wheels on the bus go wound & wound
- They put so much energy into hugging and kissing they grunt with the effort.
- They never, ever get bored of pointing out airplanes, trucks, dogs, cars, leaves, anything they find interesting, even if it's the 100th one that day
- The same kid who is digging in the dirt will later come up to you, hands outstretched, horrified that they got dirty
- Wearing mommy's shoes & being able to walk around in them is a badge of pride
- "Wight, I'm a big giwl?" Wight!
- Choosing nursing over a cookie, or with a cookie, or in between bites of a cookie, or while covered in cookie crumbs.
- All it takes is a little song to get them in the mood to do something they didn't want to do a second ago.
- Mommy is still a superhero!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Spatial deficiency makes for one bad hair day!
Today two of my personality quirks collided and the results are, well, thank G-d hidden. See, I always excelled in math, physics, statistics, but in spatial visualization, not so good. The other quirk is that occasionally when very stressed I cut off all my hair. Put the two together . . . let's just say someone who can't picture how long and inch is shouldn't wield clippers. Makes me very glad I cover! It should be cool & comfortable at least. Poor dh, that'll teach him to pile too much in my plate then leave clippers around!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Logical packing from an illogical packer
I am so proud of myself. We are packing for our big move and I'm actually thinking rationally this time! We have a moving van that will arrive 2wks after we do so I'm packing things to be shipped & things for the suitcases. Today I filled a box with sweaters, coats, wool blankets even though a little voice in my head kept asking "What if it gets cold?" In July! It was a persistant little guy too, repeating every time I folded something and paused before piling it in. Phew! That's willpower. Now I think I'll go have a pudding cup. There's only so much willpower I can muster in a given day!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Droolworthy Doodads

I'm kicking off what will hopefully become a regular series of posts on cool gadgets! First is one I actually own and LOVE! Being that it's after shabbos, it's fresh on my mind. Behold, every balabusta's dream cholent-caddy:
I'm kicking off what will hopefully become a regular series of posts on cool gadgets! First is one I actually own and LOVE! Being that it's after shabbos, it's fresh on my mind. Behold, every balabusta's dream cholent-caddy:
Reasons why I am not really Puerto Rican or Anglo/Jewish
- You are 2 generations from the island
- Your mother is white
- You are so white you probably glow in the dark!
- Your Spanish is terrible! And what kind of accent is that I hear, Mexican?
- You grew up in Texas, that is so American.
- You put weird things in your carne guisado (barley, kiske) and call it cholent
- You have relatives with names like Chana, Kevin, Jessica
- We can't pronounce either of your first names (Jessica is Yessica and Yocheved is Jocheved)
- You don't eat your grandmother's cooking? Not even lechon? (roast pork)
- There aren't any Puerto Ricans that are Jewish
- You are only 2 generations from the island
- Your Father is Puerto Rican
- You have such big hips, lips & hair! And you tan!
- Your Spanish is great! And what kind of accent is that I hear, authentic?
- You grew up in Texas, that is so a different country.
- You put weird things in your cholent (cilantro, cumin) and call it carne guisado
- You have relatives with names like Jesus, Chewy (like the wookie?), Teotista, Jose
- We can't pronounce your last name (Ruiz is Roo-is, Ruse, Ruz, or worse)
- You once ate your grandmother's cooking? Even roast pork?
- There aren't any Jews that are Puerto Rican
- You are 2 generations from the island
- Your mother is white
- You are so white you probably glow in the dark!
- Your Spanish is terrible! And what kind of accent is that I hear, Mexican?
- You grew up in Texas, that is so American.
- You put weird things in your carne guisado (barley, kiske) and call it cholent
- You have relatives with names like Chana, Kevin, Jessica
- We can't pronounce either of your first names (Jessica is Yessica and Yocheved is Jocheved)
- You don't eat your grandmother's cooking? Not even lechon? (roast pork)
- There aren't any Puerto Ricans that are Jewish
- You are only 2 generations from the island
- Your Father is Puerto Rican
- You have such big hips, lips & hair! And you tan!
- Your Spanish is great! And what kind of accent is that I hear, authentic?
- You grew up in Texas, that is so a different country.
- You put weird things in your cholent (cilantro, cumin) and call it carne guisado
- You have relatives with names like Jesus, Chewy (like the wookie?), Teotista, Jose
- We can't pronounce your last name (Ruiz is Roo-is, Ruse, Ruz, or worse)
- You once ate your grandmother's cooking? Even roast pork?
- There aren't any Jews that are Puerto Rican