I had an interesting encounter the other day. A jogger with a doggie passed by while I was walking with the children. We exchanged the usual neighborly hellos that makes me proud to live OOT (Out of Town). The kids started jabbering about the dog and she turned back and asked if we wanted to pet him.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Don't Bagel a Model, Too Many Carbs!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Fun in an Elevator: NY state of mind
The elevator doors closed. The silence lasted only one brief moment.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Driving Me Sane
- Running out to the grocery for a time sensitive needed item. No more relying on hubsters' manly instincts, which sometimes end with him returning empty handed.
- The mikvah, nuf said.
- Getting the kids to school on time.
As my husband continually reminds me, my thirtieth birthday is on the horizon. Given my "advanced" age many people are surprised to hear that I only recently got a driver's license. Almost thirteen years after my post driver's ed hiatus, I finally achieved what others my age take for granted.
- Running out to the grocery for a time sensitive needed item. No more relying on hubsters' manly instincts, which sometimes end with him returning empty handed.
- The mikvah, nuf said.
- Getting the kids to school on time.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Dogs Don't Fly: Death Defying Dog Gets 2nd Chance
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Plagued during Passover
We had our flops to be sure. Note for next year: 1) resist hubster's persuasive tactics and do not attempt to make his mother's chocolate cake recipe. 2) Especially when missing some of the ingredients. 3) In case #1 is disregarded, do not attempt to remedy #2 with ill-conceived substitutions.
Some winners included the frozen meatloaf I revitalized with brisket juice. I figured, what couldn't be made better with brisket juice? The answer: NOTHING! It was the best meatloaf I've ever had. Ever.
The other winner was so cool, it will warrant it's own Droolworthy Doodads post. It was fantabulous! Stay tuned!
This year's celebration was much less eventful than the last. I cut 1/5 less fingers. All of our wall fixtures remained in place. And no one was poisoned. That I know of.
We had our flops to be sure. Note for next year: 1) resist hubster's persuasive tactics and do not attempt to make his mother's chocolate cake recipe. 2) Especially when missing some of the ingredients. 3) In case #1 is disregarded, do not attempt to remedy #2 with ill-conceived substitutions.
Some winners included the frozen meatloaf I revitalized with brisket juice. I figured, what couldn't be made better with brisket juice? The answer: NOTHING! It was the best meatloaf I've ever had. Ever.
The other winner was so cool, it will warrant it's own Droolworthy Doodads post. It was fantabulous! Stay tuned!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Pesach Cleaning thanks to Heloise
I was so excited to see a copy of Heloise's Kitchen Hints at a thrift store and snapped it up without hesitating. It was more as a keepsake and was promptly tucked in with my cookbooks. I haven't taken a chance to really read through it.
Fastforward a few years and I find myself knee deep in Passover prep. My oven is a disaster thanks to hubsters' speciality "Chicken ala geyser." I tried my usual combo: baking soda paste, salt scrub, and a generous dash of elbow grease. I even tried using hubsters' elbow grease. I was so tempted to buy some Easy Off and well, get it off easy. But toxically. Then I remembered this little gem on the bookshelf. Of course she has a whole section on oven cleaning. The oven was covered in a paste of baking soda and left over night. The racks were plunked into the bathtub with soap and hot water to soak over night. I got some sleep.
Today, after more elbow grease, hubsters added vinegar to the oven mix. The man has seen me in action enough to know I mix them, but not enough to know it makes a volcano, but when I went into the kitchen it was all done! No steel wool, no easy off!
And the racks? Mostly everything wiped off easy peasey.Course for Passover "mostly" won't cut it so I did re-submerge and gave em a good scrubbing with a microfiber sponge. Viola!! They are even nicer than when we moved into this place! The tub does have a heinous ring around the tub, but my calculations show it'll be easier to remove than steel-wooling the racks would have been.
Hopefully there are enough people who have yet to tackle oven who can try these Hints from Heloise. If you are in the group that is partway through your Passover cooking in a spotless kitchen, I don't want to hear it unless there is a gift of chocolate to accompany your cleaner-than-thou proclamations.
If you want your very own Hints from Heloise book, a quick Google will show you where to buy one, whether vintage or new printing. Or you can hope for a blessed thrifting like I did!
Now, does Heloise have tips for dealing with suspicious noises coming from bored, Passover ignored children? If you see my kids covered with baking soda, you'll know why!
I don't know if anyone else remembers reading the "Hints from Heloise" column in the newspaper. As a voracious reader, practical thinker, and short-cut lover, I loved reading her tidbits starting from a young age.
I was so excited to see a copy of Heloise's Kitchen Hints at a thrift store and snapped it up without hesitating. It was more as a keepsake and was promptly tucked in with my cookbooks. I haven't taken a chance to really read through it.
Fastforward a few years and I find myself knee deep in Passover prep. My oven is a disaster thanks to hubsters' speciality "Chicken ala geyser." I tried my usual combo: baking soda paste, salt scrub, and a generous dash of elbow grease. I even tried using hubsters' elbow grease. I was so tempted to buy some Easy Off and well, get it off easy. But toxically. Then I remembered this little gem on the bookshelf. Of course she has a whole section on oven cleaning. The oven was covered in a paste of baking soda and left over night. The racks were plunked into the bathtub with soap and hot water to soak over night. I got some sleep.
Today, after more elbow grease, hubsters added vinegar to the oven mix. The man has seen me in action enough to know I mix them, but not enough to know it makes a volcano, but when I went into the kitchen it was all done! No steel wool, no easy off!
And the racks? Mostly everything wiped off easy peasey.Course for Passover "mostly" won't cut it so I did re-submerge and gave em a good scrubbing with a microfiber sponge. Viola!! They are even nicer than when we moved into this place! The tub does have a heinous ring around the tub, but my calculations show it'll be easier to remove than steel-wooling the racks would have been.
Hopefully there are enough people who have yet to tackle oven who can try these Hints from Heloise. If you are in the group that is partway through your Passover cooking in a spotless kitchen, I don't want to hear it unless there is a gift of chocolate to accompany your cleaner-than-thou proclamations.
If you want your very own Hints from Heloise book, a quick Google will show you where to buy one, whether vintage or new printing. Or you can hope for a blessed thrifting like I did!
Now, does Heloise have tips for dealing with suspicious noises coming from bored, Passover ignored children? If you see my kids covered with baking soda, you'll know why!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Vegetables are what Food eats
I'm working with a nutritionist to revamp my diet. Today was day one. The rules are pretty simple. No sugar, no carbs, no dairy. As many vegetables, eggs, beans, chicken, fish, and Ezekiel bread I can manage. As a Texan I was raised with the belief that vegetables were fabulous . . . for feeding up the animals we would later barbecue. My mom always made the requisite side green, and often a meal had a side salad, or as an appetizer. But never the whole meal. Until now.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Losing sleep over 2nd Hand Worries
Have you ever had an enormous "Duh!?" moment when you figure out the cause of a problem was something obvious or at least fixable while you rushed around trying complicated solutions?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Being Prepared: Less Girl Scout, more MacGuyver
So I've generally learned from the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. I pack lunches the night before. I make lists AND check them twice. I have contingency plans coming out of my wazoo, plus plans for what to do in case of catastrophic wazoo failure, cuz you never know!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Job hunting for Moms, Facing the Illegal Question
I just finished reading Answering the Illegal Question - Manage Your Career in The Chronicle of Higher Education and it made me think of the time I was interviewing and was asked the looming question every mother fears: "How can you handle working when you have kids to raise?"
Great-tasting Healthy Chocolate Muffins
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
More Wheat less white: Oatmeal bread
I've fallen in love with the Oatmeal Bread from the More with less cookbook. It's a delight to knead once you get over the pale pasty color. It tastes delicious!
Foodie Flops: When things go wrong
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Mad for Matbucha: A dip recipe
Other possible titles included: I dip, you dip, we dip.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ima, Tell me all about . . . the recipe for water
My 4yo is a Chatty Cathy to the extreme. Her recent "Tell me all about" was for the recipe for water.
Baking Soda Hack: My miracle Cleaner
- aforementioned dollie
- floor tiles
- fingers and fingernails
- plastic table
My 4yo is proudly giving me a tour of all the marker spots that freckle her dollie's plastic head. What does this make me think besides "I really have to keep those markers up higher"? I give a little thanks that I bought a 5lb bag of baking soda from the warehouse store.
- aforementioned dollie
- floor tiles
- fingers and fingernails
- plastic table
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Product review: Google Notebook Chrome OS - The First Week
Here's what I love:
* It's light
It may be too big to shove into my purse, but I could throw it into a bigger purse or backpack and shlep without throwing out my back.
* The battery life is great!
I ran a test of it, running 2-3 tabs plus streaming Pandora and I went from 100% to 50% in 4hrs.
* It's so fast!
* It's Chrome
* 2 year contract for Verizon 3G, 100MB/mos for free!
Great for using on the go. 100MB is not much at all, but there is an option to pay for unlimited if I want (which I don't thanks to the problems listed in the bottom of this post).
And it would only be fair for full disclosure that I include the things that make me want to tear my hair out. Now I love Google, I know this is a beta, but I sure wish it was all roses and smooches!
Here's why I can't use it day to day:
* I can't install the programs I use for work, so I can't use the laptop for work.
I understand the power and pull of the move to cloud computing, but this only works when everyone is on board. I use Salesforce for work as a database admin, as far as I know there is no way to take data from a Google doc and run through ID matching or upload into the SF database.
* As of yet there is no way to watch Netflix Watch Instantly videos, so I can't use the laptop for play
Hulu works and Amazon video works, but Netflix is a big chunk of my video streaming usage. It's a known problem since Netflix uses MS Silverlight and Chrome depends on HTML5. Will there be a fix, workaround, or change? Who knows.
* More bad Buzz: The speakers work 50% percent of the time
There is no hardware branding to be seen on the machine. This means I have no where to go for hardware trouble shooting. Could I fix it if my Linux skills were dusted off? Maybe. I've looked around and there are many communities for Chrome OS users that have popped up with forums, but this isn't an official fix. I found the Linux terminal by hitting ctl+atl+t, but it has limited functionality.
Thanks to the anonymous poster my right clicking woes are over! Instead of trying to finagle the two fingered click I can now hit alt+touchpad! Thanks!
I'm used to the 2 button touchpad. The CR-48 has just one big touchpad with click enabled, minimal scrolling, and a tricky 2 finger right click. I am either a spaz, impatient, or just your normal user, but I can't get the blasted thing to work. This comes up a bazillion times a day while I try to open a link in a new tab, spell check, etc. I'm hoping this will resolve the same way the touchscreen newness did, with time and practice.
* the SD card reader doesn't work.
As in, if you put an SD card in, it does NOTHING! I'm not alone in this, as my surfing has shown, but why is it there? A place holder or a test to see what I do when confronted with a problem as a beta tester. No idea.
It's officially been one week since I opened the box and let a Chrome Notebook (CR-48) into my life. Overall, it's my sense of duty as a tester that's keeping me using it.
Here's what I love:
* It's light
It may be too big to shove into my purse, but I could throw it into a bigger purse or backpack and shlep without throwing out my back.
* The battery life is great!
I ran a test of it, running 2-3 tabs plus streaming Pandora and I went from 100% to 50% in 4hrs.
* It's so fast!
* It's Chrome
* 2 year contract for Verizon 3G, 100MB/mos for free!
Great for using on the go. 100MB is not much at all, but there is an option to pay for unlimited if I want (which I don't thanks to the problems listed in the bottom of this post).
And it would only be fair for full disclosure that I include the things that make me want to tear my hair out. Now I love Google, I know this is a beta, but I sure wish it was all roses and smooches!
Here's why I can't use it day to day:
* I can't install the programs I use for work, so I can't use the laptop for work.
I understand the power and pull of the move to cloud computing, but this only works when everyone is on board. I use Salesforce for work as a database admin, as far as I know there is no way to take data from a Google doc and run through ID matching or upload into the SF database.
* As of yet there is no way to watch Netflix Watch Instantly videos, so I can't use the laptop for play
Hulu works and Amazon video works, but Netflix is a big chunk of my video streaming usage. It's a known problem since Netflix uses MS Silverlight and Chrome depends on HTML5. Will there be a fix, workaround, or change? Who knows.
* More bad Buzz: The speakers work 50% percent of the time
There is no hardware branding to be seen on the machine. This means I have no where to go for hardware trouble shooting. Could I fix it if my Linux skills were dusted off? Maybe. I've looked around and there are many communities for Chrome OS users that have popped up with forums, but this isn't an official fix. I found the Linux terminal by hitting ctl+atl+t, but it has limited functionality.
Thanks to the anonymous poster my right clicking woes are over! Instead of trying to finagle the two fingered click I can now hit alt+touchpad! Thanks!
I'm used to the 2 button touchpad. The CR-48 has just one big touchpad with click enabled, minimal scrolling, and a tricky 2 finger right click. I am either a spaz, impatient, or just your normal user, but I can't get the blasted thing to work. This comes up a bazillion times a day while I try to open a link in a new tab, spell check, etc. I'm hoping this will resolve the same way the touchscreen newness did, with time and practice.
* the SD card reader doesn't work.
As in, if you put an SD card in, it does NOTHING! I'm not alone in this, as my surfing has shown, but why is it there? A place holder or a test to see what I do when confronted with a problem as a beta tester. No idea.
Monday, January 31, 2011
2 Little Kittens have lost their mittens
Product review: Google Notebook Chrome OS - First impressions








Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tea for two, and two for tea . . . alone!
I know there are plenty of opportunities for a Jewish person to have a culture clash with secular or non-Jewish people. Fodder could come from a variety of lingo (oy vey!), food (gefilte fish), cultural (matchmakers!), geographical (you're from ___ you must know Sara Cohen!), physical (the shnoz), emotional (if you called more often you'd understand).